You can get the listowner's maual via anonymous FTP from FTP.LSOFT.COM, CD
DOCUMENTS.  The reference number is:  9505-UD-02.  At least that is what is
says in my copy of it.
>Hello , Listowners .
>I joined this list last week because I want to start a new (and the first)
>list in our campus . But I have no idea on how to start it and operate it .
>so I want to know if somebody can help me from the very begin .
>If anyone are interested in co-operate this new list ,Email to
>   [log in to unmask]
>for detail.
>I 'm students in Nankai University , Tianjin , China . We have a RS/6000
>(59H) running AIX in our lab .We are new on the internet .
>Sorry , My English is not very good.