On Thu, 14 Mar 1996 16:54:45 EST Eric Thomas said:
>As far as BITNET is concerned, while  there is clearly a risk of seeing a
>messy and uncoordinated shutdown, as Ulrich said it would be premature to
>draw  final  conclusions. The  vital  BITNET  coordination functions  are
>actually provided by  a small group of people,  currently organized under
>the GUMNCC  umbrella. The GUMNCC is  a Terena operational task  force, or
>whatever the official  buzzword is (Terena is  the organization resulting
>from the merger of EARN and  RARE). CREN pays Terena/GUMNCC for its share
>of this service, but  the money can be found elsewhere.  As CREN gets out
>of  the NJE  business, I  expect that  Terena and  the GUMNCC  will begin
>offering NJE connectivity  directly to US organizations.  If for whatever
>reason Terena decides to shut down  BITNET in Europe as well, the handful
>of  people that  make  up  the GUMNCC  can  simply reorganize  themselves
>differently  and provide  the service  anyway. All  that is  needed is  a
>billing entity,  and any of  the GUMNCC people's employers  could arrange
>that easily (assuming they want to, which is another matter, but it's not
>like a  simple billing  issue is  going to  stand in  the way  of keeping
>BITNET alive  for people  who still need  it). On top  of that,  it would
>probably be  a lot cheaper  than people  are currently paying  for BITNET
>access. I hesitate  to give figures that I know  someone will later quote
>against me  :-), but I imagine  that $500/year for one  node and $1k/year
>for 2-10  nodes would  be sufficient to  recover costs even  if a  lot of
>sites were to leave.  I don't think anyone in the US  is paying less than
>that currently.
my intention even goes a bit further : the NJE coordination has to be
free of charge for the currently paying contributors of the GUMNCC (this
includes of course CREN-members) for the time after 31.12.1996. who or
which organization will finally take the sponsorship, is a different
issue, which doesn't need to be discussed here.
   i have however some difficulties in putting this proposal into wordings
   which are acceptable for Terena (for taking the sponsorship).
>I know that  this was already tried  in the past without  success, but at
>the time there was a rigid  political infrastructure that just got in the
>way.  There were  relationships to  be  preserved, and  the newly  formed
>Terena organization  was trying to  organize itself and define  chains of
>command, etc. Terena's management ended up deciding against the proposal,
>and Terena was employing most of the people in the GUMNCC, so they had to
>do as Terena said. As you may know, these people were later laid off :-(,
>but the upside is that the current GUMNCC is free from any such influence
not yet ;-) note, that i'm currently working contracted by Terena.
>    So I am confident that this problem can be solved. On the other hand,
>nothing ever happens overnight with Terena, so we'll have to be patient.
i can only agree to eric (i'm very confident too ;-) but that's not new
isn't it ;-)
(in order to be on the safe site, i need to write the following
 disclaimer : this reply does NOT come from the GUMNCC management, but
 from Ulrich Giese, Kranenburg, Germany)