At 2:10 PM 3/5/96, Dan Lester wrote:
>On Mon, 4 Mar 1996 11:21:28 EST LISTSERV Administrator said:
>>eWorld is hosting a number of dog-related mailing lists at no charge.
>>They run LISTSERV 1.8b (the current version).  Contact [log in to unmask]
>>for more information.
>    Note, however, that starting a list at eworld is probably not a good thing.
>Apple announced a couple days ago that they were putting eworld out of its
>misery on 31 March.  Another consumer net service bites the dust as the
>ISPs take over the world.
Starting a list at eWorld right now is a *very* good thing.
I am running several baseball lists at, which is different from
the eWorld On Line service, which is shutting this spring. The mailing
lists at eWorld are part of Apple's movement of content from the on line
service to the Internet. eWorld on the Internet, where the mailing lists
are located, is alive and well and is a major strategic initiative for
At and proud of it,
brian crawford
[log in to unmask]                chicago illinois usa
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