On Wed, 6 Mar 1996 13:25:48 CST Nancy J. Hill said:
>The whitehouse & netcom have asked for logs & mail headers from last
>weekends activities. Boss isn't here today so I don't know how much
>I can release without our lawyers' okay. I've also asked for clarification
>if the information is for whitehouse victims only or if they are investigating
>on behalf of all victims.
   You may  be able  to release  without a lawyer,  but you  sure SHOULD
contact your lawyer and  talk in detail first.  You want  to be sure the
copies of the logs only pertain to the usage in question, else you could
be  sued for  giving  out other  information that  can  be used  against
someone, innocent or guilty does not  matter.  In other words, you could
expose yourself to liability very easily.
   Generally, any agency should request  the info in writing, either via
an official letter, or a search warrant, and be specific about what they
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**  Geert K. Marien : [log in to unmask]  (Bitnet: GKMQC@PUCC)  **
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