> > have decided to halt all  new subscriptions from users at Netcom.com
> > unless I am certain that the security hole has  been  fixed  up  and
> > [log in to unmask]   (and  both  fora)  receive  an
> > apology from the Security Manager from Netcom.com.
>    ** Switching to attitude on purpose mode **
>    Yes, that's  the ticket ...   let's cut  off all sites  with security
> holes.  Let's  assume they knew about  the problem, knew how  to prevent
>    Let's punish all readers on YOUR lists because you did this.
>    I think it is you (Aldo Pier Solaris) who owes NETCOM an  apology for
> your unilateral action without thinking.
Geert & Aldo,
   I think, maybe, there has been some overreaction.
Geert, Aldo has always been like this.  He expects governmental control
of the net, and does not understand why the U.S. government doesn't have
laws for stopping spammers, forgery, unpleasant people one want's to
keep off one's list, etc.  So, sometimes, he overreacts.  He just does not
have our mind-set, and he never will.
And, Aldo, before you go blocking an entire domain, you need to be 100%
certain that it is the *real* source of the problem.  Forgery is easy
and common. Netcom may not be the most responsive ISP but they've got
a lot of innocent subscribers.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner