I am to setup a couple of mailing lists which will be used to redistribute
`sensitive' information among a group of people. Unfortunately I have to
deal with a totally freaked out security manager so every used option
must be accounted for. Sigh...
Anyway, I have suggested to create the lists with the following options:
Confidential= Yes
Subscription= By Owner
Editor= <somedude>
Send= Editor
X-Tags= No
Validate= Yes, Confirm, NOPW
Review= Owner
Notify= Yes
Are these options good enough to create a closed list to which no one can
subscribe or post unless authorised by the editor/owner? Are there any
other options I might use to tighten security even more?
Thanks in advance,
Edvard Tuinder
Cistron Internet Services               Finger [log in to unmask] for PGP key
            ``Huh nice.. Totally surrounded by no beer at all.''