I need some help setting up my list for the following situation: I want to be
able to invoke 'SET listname REVIEW FOR user@host'
I have my header set up in the following fashion:
(Unmoderated list, no editors)
* Subscription=      Open,Confirm
* Review=            Owners
* Send=              Private
* Reply-to=          Sender,Respect
* Confidential=      No
* Default-options=   Repro,dualhdr,digest
* Ack=               Yes
* Safe=              Yes
I read the manual for using this feature, (in section 5.3.11) it states:
"When a subscriber is set to REVIEW, all postings from that subscriber are
forwarded to the list editor or list owner for approval."
"Note that if a list is unmoderated, it is still possible to direct REVIEW
postings to a specific person by adding an "Editor=" or "Moderator=" keyword to
the list header."
SO, shouldn't I be able to leave OUT the Moderator= line of my header?
When I added:
* Moderator=         [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]
to my header and then set a user to review, I did not get the message the user
posted to the list. (I did receive confirmation that the user had been set to
review before the user posted AND the user told me that they'd received a
message about their posting being forwarded to the list moderator; but I never
saw the message he sent.)
Should I change the Moderator= line to Owners? More importantly, can I just
leave it (and an Editor= line) completely OUT of my header and still make SET
listname REVIEW for userid@host function as described in the documentation?
[log in to unmask]
p.s. Yes, I am listed correctly as one of the owners of the list. I just didn't
want to make this posting any longer than I had to.