On Mon, 15 Apr 1996 14:21:00 EDT Peter M. Weiss +1 814 863 1843 said:
>Q listname WITH NOMAIL FOR *@*
>Count the number of "@" addresses and subtract...  That's the only
>way to count total active distributions.
Yes, but that does nothing to fix the really dumb message, which was the
original complaint.  I've been noticing for a long time that the dumber
and more inappropriate the message the less chance of it being tailorable
in MAILTPL :-)
(Well, ok, that's not really true, but I sure wish all the messages were
available to tailor.  I can understand concerns about poor tailoring...
perhaps there should be an untailorable message number accompanying each
message?  I dunno... but anyhow, I hate the subscriber count tidbit too.)
Bill Gruber
City University of New York