I'm trying to change the header of healthre.  When I issue the PUT
command I get the following message from Listserv:
>>>The following problems have been detected in the list header:
* Notebook= ...
Error: The first two parameters of the "Notebook=" keyword may only be updated
       by the LISTSERV administrator.
Please refer to the list keyword documentation (available via the "INFO
KEYWORDS" command) for more information about keyword syntax.
PUT operation rejected, old list remains unchanged.<<<
The actual line regarding the notebook is as follows:
I wrote to one of the Listserv maintainers and got the following
>>>*  NOTEBOOK=YES,C:"lists"healthre,weekly
 those should be backslashes which are a hex 'e0' and the symbols
 you have in there look like hex '27'.  <<<<
I interpret this as meaning that my slashes are somehow being converted
to quotation marks.  I can't figure out how this is happening let
alone how to formulate the command using hex symbols.
If any of you can help I would very much appreciate it.  For this
list, listserv is running on a pentium, I think using Windows NT.
I'm posting from a VAX using CMS.
I'm supposed to go out of town in two days and I really need to change
the header before I go.
Eleftheria Maratos-Flier, co-owner, Healthre