On April 24, in msg to [log in to unmask], Peter M. Weiss said:
 >>In reviewing the list of subscribers, I see that none are
 >>at XEROX.  Unfortunately, being just a user of PSUVM, I
 >>can not see the many that are CONCEALed and would investigate
 >>those if I could.
 >>I suggest e-mail to the XEROX postmaster asking for assistance
 >>in tracing the RCPT TO address if the CONCEAL does not reveal.
 >>/Pete Weiss at Penn State
I naturally checked all the CONCEALed users back in March. I will
going to send a message on to the postmaster at the Xerox site.
-Debbie Douglass
Debbie Douglass                                     Systems Administrator
[log in to unmask]      GTE Government Systems, Needham, MA