IF you can educate your subscribers to use significant SUBJECT:
lines and/or moderate the list so that YOU use appropriate
subjects, you can provide the subscribers with LISTSERV SEARCH
templates for scanning the archives quite effectively using the
Arriving at a list of Subject line keywords will be the
"interesting" part.
Though Usenet is not an option, does that also exclude the WEB?
Here is a sample search that can be modified
/* --------------------- clip and save ---------------- */
//ListSrch JOB Echo=no
Database Search DD=Rules OUTLIM=2000 f=mail
//Rules DD *
S * IN cybercamp WHERE SUBJECT CONTAINS (dallas AND rider AND wanted)
//  EOJ
/* --------------------- clip and save ---------------- */
Followup to LDBASE-L (if you have subscribed).
/Pete Weiss at Penn State
From:         John Witherspoon <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Listserv "Ride Board" Question
Hello All,
I am interested in trying to set up a Listserv "Ride Board" for
people from all over the U.S. who are traveling to a summer Camp
in June.  I would like for people to be able to post to a list
saying "I'm from Miami and I'm looking for a ride" or "I'm from
Dallas and I can give someone a ride."
Of course, one problem is that Listserv messages are delivered
individually, and someone who subscribed in early May might miss
the perfect ride posted in late April.  I want to keep this as
simple as possible and would prefer to not make people have to
request indexes since I am sure most would screw it up.  Going to Usenet
is also not an option.
Any suggestions?
-- John Witherspoon
   American University
   Washington, DC