>   Chris Barnes <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>  I would like to set up a list that is fairly tightly controlled.
>  There are several people that can send a post to the list (more than
>  I want to have in a header list), so I set the list such that
>  * Send=   Editor,Confirm
>  * Editor= (another-list)
>  where:
>     another-list = the name of a Listserv List where the subscribers are
>         those folks authorized to send to the main list.
>  The problem comes in that I want to use the Confirm option with the
>  Send so that folks can't spoof one of the legit addresses.  My problem
>  is that the Confirmation cookie doesn't get sent to the right person
>  (in truth, I haven't tried this, one of my list owners is just telling
>  me this).
>  Should this work?  (I don't see any reason why it shouldn't)
>  If not, can this be put on the agenda to work in the next version?
I am not sure why you would not just set Subscription= By owner, or closed.
Are there some subscribed that can not post?
Carlton Conley
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