At 15:49 06/16/96 -0400, Susan Lowell scribed:
>(quips from related previous postings appear below)
>I think of this as a very delicate issue, but the reality is that 1) in
>the last year or so many lists have been booted from their original
>sites and 2) hosting a list costs somebody somewhere something.  The
>banner option is one way that a list can get sponsorship, and yes,
>this is definitely advertising, but at least it is controlled advertising.
>To me it's no different that when they mention the sponsors on PBS or NPR
>shows.  I'm not thrilled, but again, somebody has to pay and this can be
>one way to get the funds necessary to even have a list.
>Most listowners I've spoken with say that they want to have a list so
>badly that they're quite willing to allow a "this list is hosted by xxxx,
>to unsub..." bottom banner message.  For many of these people, there's no
>other way for them to have a list without paying for it themselves.
>I agree that it's nicer to be on a list where there's no advertising in
>the bottom banner, but those who are offended have options: they can
>sponsor the list themselves, they can find someone who's willing to
>sponsor the list for free with no ads, they can leave the list, or they
>can start their own list on the same subject but without the ads.
>My feelings and opinions--don't blame L-Soft
>Susan Lowell
>Communications and Marketing Coordinator
>L-Soft international, Inc.
>(owner songtalk, hampshire)
I have absolutely no objection to advertising as a way of getting list
sponsorship. I was talking about subscribe/unsubscribe instructions, email
addresses for the listowner(s), URL if the list has a Web page, etc.
Philip B Janus                 || Don't know 'bout running FOR
[log in to unmask]                || Congress, but I ran PAST it today.
*2*E GULC        <*>           ||    Race For The Cure '96    ||