> On Mon, 24 Jun 1996 14:38:47 -0500 Nguyen, Long said:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >I am running Listserv on a Windows NT machine and everything seems to be
> >working fine.  The only area of question is the MAIN directory.
> >It seems that all lists created are put in that directory along with the
> >listserv executable and configuration files.  This seems a little
> >unorganized....all lists and executables jumbled in one directory.  Is this
> >correct, or can I configure Listserv to create lists in it's own directory?
> I seem to recall answering this last week.  No, LISTSERV needs to have its
> lists in the MAIN directory.  You can (and should) put notebook archives
> in their own directories by specifying the location in the Notebook=
> keyword for each list.
> Nathan
I, for at least two, find this highly objectionable. This same arranagement
is true and equally undesirable in the UNIX envirnoment. My 370+
lists now have 881 files thrown together in one directory. I would much rather
see a subdirectory for each lists files and keep them separate from the files
that come with the distribution or at least be given a choice(I am not talking
about archives but the header, templates and other ancillary files. Maybe
you know what all the files are but those of us on the other end of the proprietary
stick it is not intuitively obvious and would like your peas to be kept separate
from our carrots. It is simply how things are done in a hiearchical file system.
...Greg         Note: my comments are strictly my own so there.