>Has anyone done any experimentation to determine good Auto-delete
>settings for less active lists?  The defaults (4 days of errors or 100
>error meesages) seen fairly reasonable for active lists.  But there are
>lists that get less than one post per day and lists that receive a
>burst of posts periodically (once a week or whatever).
I use 7 days and 10 messages.  Since my list is not terribly busy, 4
days seems rather short to me--one major problem at a site could cause
errors for a couple of days and 4 seems rather close, so I extended it
to 7 (but see LSTOWN-L archives for discussion of "weekly outages" or
those systems which go down every week-end which could make a 7-day
period problematic).  I also saw no need to have a high message count.
10 messages is enough for me, but you might want something different.
Remember, though, that these are errors you aren't having to deal
with; they're handled automatically by LISTSERV.  Unless it is causing
a problem for your system, you could probably let these errors
accumulate--the machine has a much higher tolerance for repeated
errors than most of us handling messages manually do!