He would only get the postings if he were subscribed to the list.  If he
doesn't want list mail, he'll have to unsubscribe or delete himself.
On the other hand, if he's getting error messages, you should look to see
who is getting the error messages, e.g., who is Errors-To= pointing to?
On Thu, 4 Jul 1996 18:35:16 PDT Jean-Marc Mantel said:
>How can I add an owner to my list but with the follwing conditions:
>- he will be allowed to send commands with password to the list
>- he will not receive the messages of the list
>- he will not receive the error messages.
>I don't know how to write the header for such a purpose.
>I tried to write:
>*  Owner= my address
>*  Owner= Quiet:
>*  Owner= the second address
>But the second address continues to receive all the messages of the list.