>If the major .com outfits agreed to "bounce" mail from previous subscribers
>or full mailboxes the same way, it may be very easy to set up a filtering
>mechanism on LSOFT's end.  Old addresses could be automatically deleted and
>full mailboxes could be set to NOMAIL.  When the .com people inform the
>people whose boxes are full, they can add a line re: subscriptions may have
>been put on hold and to refer them to a -local- area for instructions to
>restart list MAIL.
>This would solve the ISP's problems with privacy and help the listowners
>out at the same time.  It would require cooperation and teamwork between
>LSOFT and the big .com people to set a simple standard, and adjust it on a
>need be basis.  Maybe this would serve a good topic for the listowner
>seminar being planned?
This is already on the list of possible proposed topics (in more than
one way)... it seems to be fairly high on a lot of people's lists for
some strange reason.  *grin*