> I have scads of list members who have been set nomail for years and was
> thinking about changing the list settings so that folks would have to renew
> their membership every year or so.  Would someone be kind enough to send me a
> sample list renewal request message?  A lot of my members are extremely
> inexperienced (first time out on AOL) and find even the verification notice
> required for signing on difficult to cope with. I would just like to know if
> the "renew subscription" notice would be too much for them to handle.
If they can't handle the signon confirm the renwal confirm will drive them
up the wall, at least the stock one in use about a year ago.
From experience I can guarantee this will be a big mess.  Mine was severe
as initially I set the renewal period very short so could get it over
with quickly, then shifted it to one year.  Only way to do it is grit
your teeth, grin and bear it.  You will get lots of "what is this?
"I don't understand!" etc. messages.  You can try to explain, but
it might be simpler, for handling the mess you will have, to simply
do the "confirm" for them when they contact you.  It's a simple
confirm listname for address@node
command.  Keep in mind that you will have to reset all your old
subscriptions to RENEW  Be absolutely CERTAIN you do that QUIET !!!
or you will regret it.  And don't forget to put RENEW in the default
options.  If you have netnews or whatever gateways don't forget to change
them back to norenew after you've done the listwide set.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner