At 01:01 PM 8/28/96 EDT, you wrote:
>You need a permanent mail host such as a POP mail server to
>which folks e-mail, and to which you log on and download
>your mail from your dynamic IP address (or something similar).
>Mail to a host that does not have a permanent IP address is
>doomed from the start.
I'm looking into getting a permanent IP address, but it's the price that's
getting me right now. It WILL happen in the future. :)
I'm just getting into listservers and don't understand how to set one up
yet. Why is it doomed from the start to have a dynamic ip?  It's not going
to be a very big list, at least not from the start. I'm going to keep it
small, while I'm learning, and then advertise it a little when I'm more
comfortable with it.
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