this is what i wrote.  the option in the makefile was a bit too simple.  we
currently use sendmail and the listserv part of the aliases file is not
kept in /etc/aliases.  sendmail is used to rebuild the aliases database
automatically. the script always creates a notebook directory which is
somewhat wasteful but much simpler.  it does very little error checking.
WHOAMI=`who am i|cut -d' ' -f1`
list=`echo $1|/bin/tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
if test "${list}X" = "X"
  echo No list name given.
  echo Usage: $0 listname
cat >> $LISTHOME/aliases <<EOF
# aliases for ${list} listserv list
# created on $DATE by $WHOAMI
${list}:"|$HOME/bin/lsv_amin $HOME/spool ${list}"
owner-${list}:"|$HOME/bin/lsv_amin $HOME/spool owner-${list}"
${list}-server:"|$HOME/bin/lsv_amin $HOME/spool ${list}-server"
${list}-request:"|$HOME/bin/lsv_amin $HOME/spool ${list}-request"
mkdir $HOME/notebooks/${list}
chown listserv $HOME/notebooks/${list}
-------- In reply to:
I seem to recall that someone said they had a unix shell script
(perl?) that would automagically take care of the details of creating
a new list on the Unix listserv (eg. add the appropriate aliases to
the file, etc).
I am very much interested in getting a copy of such a beast.  Does
it exist, or was it just "wish list" of things hoped for?
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-8300 (work)
"The Wizard of VM"  - The Battalion, Sept. 12, 1996
     [log in to unmask] |public keys at:
     pjg@ubvm             |     http://urth.acsu.Buffalo.EDU/~pjg/key.html
     if the above contains opinions they are mine unless marked otherwise.