On Fri, 27 Sep 1996 07:45:28 -0400 Lisa Moore <[log in to unmask]> said:
>Look, I  don't care whatever  the reasoning is. All  I know is  that the
>cost has nearly doubled since the last time I renewed and I need to find
>a new place for the list. Ok? Ok.
It's called  fairness, Lisa. You  made it sound  like we had  doubled the
price without warning and  you got a surprise bill and  had no option but
to relocate in a hurry. We  simply do not follow such business practices.
There is  no surprise bill,  as you know, because  you pay for  a certain
number  of   subscribers.  We  make   sure  LISTSERV  won't   allow  more
subscriptions than you're  paying for, and you never get  a bill for more
than what  you agreed to pay  in advance. Your fees  have doubled because
you have explicitly asked us to double your bill so that you could triple
the  size of  your list  and multiply  traffic by  about 8.  It was  your
decision, you could have kept the limit and fee you had. This is all I am
trying  to  say, you  are  obviously  free to  decide  that  this is  too
expensive and seek  a free home elsewhere, I don't  have any problem with
that. A  lot of ISPs offer  lists for $0.00 monthly  to attract customers
and I'm sure you'll find an arrangement that fits your budget.