> Date:         Fri, 27 Sep 1996 17:45:29 -0400
> From: David Nessl <[log in to unmask]>
> I have a group who wants to create lists to which only people (including
> non-subscribers) on campus (in the UFL.EDU domain) can post.
You don't describe what their objective is. It is difficult to rationalize
any particular "solution" without being told _why_ non-subscribers should
be allowed to post. Most rationales wither under the light of day.
Maybe you don't have a problem?
> ...  Likewise, they don't want to turn on
> confirmation because it will confuse the M.D.s and secretaries too much.
Well, let your advisors go tell the MD's and sec's that they're too
dumb to type "r" for reply, and "ok" for a confirmation message....
If your advisors don't want that task, then ignore them, they're not
committed enought to the idea.