On Fri, 27 Sep 1996 17:45:29 -0400 David Nessl said:
>I have a group who wants to create lists to which only people (including
>non-subscribers) on campus (in the UFL.EDU domain) can post.  I told them
>that Send=Public is the standard way, but I recommended against it because
>it opens the lists to spamming.  Likewise, they don't want to turn on
>confirmation because it will confuse the M.D.s and secretaries too much. I
>looked at "Filter=" -- it supports wildcards (*@*.UFL.EDU), but the values
>indicate who _can't_ post, but I want to indicate just those who _can_
>post.  I also looked at "Service=", but the doc says it only applies to
>subscription requests and not posts (plus no wildcards).  Anyone got any
>ideas?  TIA, -david
Try Service= *.ufl.edu, ufl.edu and Send=Service.