On Wed, 11 Sep 1996 00:28:43 EDT Ben Chi said:
>On Tue, 10 Sep 1996 17:32:13 LSTMAINT@INDYCMS said:
>> . . .  How do I find out (without doing a listview on each of the lists)
>>what list(s) these folks are listed as owners or co-owners on?  Anyone
>>got a slick way?  On VM it was easy.  On NT, not so much.
>> . . .
>There is a nifty shareware Windows utility (both 16-bit and 32-bit ver-
>sions) available called Search & Replace which allows you to specify a
>string (e.g., "owner=") and a path and it will display the names of all
>files in the path containing the string as well as the lines in each file
>containing the string.
Have you used this on LISTSERV NT where the list files are encoded?  Does
it work?
>And S&R is a generally useful tool and worth it at $20.
Probably... but getting the boss to pay for it is another thing.  (And
since I'm a Mac person, *I'm* not going to buy a Windoze program.  *grin*)