On Sat, 7 Sep 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:
>         How does one program 'listserv(tm)' to set a new subscriber's
> options to 'digest', 'acknowledgement (when posting), and to 'get a
> copy' of his own posts?
    Get the header of your list and modify the Default-Options=
keyword so that it includes the options: Digest,Repro
(I've forgotten the keyword for Acknowledgements since I don't like
them, all they do is add mail clutter; but the other two
will set all FUTURE subscribers to get a Digest and a copy of their
own messages.)  Then put the header back.
      To get the same options to apply to all PRESENT subscribers
send a message to LISTSERV
    set  listname quiet digest for *.*
    set  listname quiet repro for *.*
The QUIET ensures that LISTSERV doesn't send a message to each
subscriber announcing the changes and confusing most of them.  You
will of course announce the changes in a message to the list.  It
may of course be possible to include both options in one command but
since I have never had occasion to do so and am not sure how it would
work, I am taking the conservative approach.
Judith Hopkins, Listowner of Autocat
     [log in to unmask]
>         My list is getting so busy that 'digest' mode will be a much
> better alternative.
>         Additionally, can you set it so that it sends a digest at four
> set times of day?
        I don't know the answer to this question.
>         Thanks,
>                                                         Fred
> q---------------------------Fred Atkinson----------------------------p
>  }Graduate Student/Johns Hopkins Univ./Telecommunications Management{
>              }B.S. National Louis University/Management{
>   }A.S. Midlands Technical College/Electronics Engineering Technology{
>              }Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator/WB4AEJ{
>     }Licensed General Class Commercial Radiotelephone Technician{
>    }N.A.R.T.E. Certified First Class Telecommunications Technician{
>                 }Second Degree Blackbelt/Tae Kwon Do{
>            }Home Page: http://www.mishmash.com/fatkinson{
> [log in to unmask]