Peter M. Weiss +1 814 863 1843 wrote:
> There is no polite way.  Besides a message to the list
> entreating them, also set up your list for moderation
> (temporarily) culling the errant discussion.
Well, yes, if it's really gotten to *that* point, but Spunky Paul was
still talking about being polite, and could still muster a ;), albeit a
rather bleak and weary ;) ... To me, moderation would be last resort.
(Actually, setting the guilty members to review or even nopost would come
first, after suitable warning, first to the list at large, then to the
individuals -- ONE warning, only.  Unless EVERYONE is haring off into
I have found from experience that direct listowner intervention is better
avoided if at all possible.
> /Pete Weiss at Penn State
Mario Rups
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