Kevin J. Sinclair wrote,
> Listserv just lets the subscription just goes in.  I think listserv
> ought to write back to them automatically, if they have used
> literally 'FirstName LastName', and explain nicely that they
> were supposed to substitute their real name.  They can then do that, or
> write to the owners for help.  But if listserv did that, then the
> subscriber lists would not have the occassional incorrect name field.
> We require real names on all our subscriptions.  This option could be
> keyword controlled, also.
        Before LISTSERV has that feature, perhaps the list owners can
        help by giving examples. In my help message to anyone who wants
        to join my list, I have "for example, SUB CHPOEM-L Edgar Allan
        Poe." (Just hope the user don't use *that* name! :-)
        Actually, "FirstName LastName" inputs are rare; perhaps it takes
        less effort for list owners to just remind those interesting
        people than to implement an auto detect function. (In my list,
        I don't even bother to remind them. First, it's a list for poetry
        and literature, and people love to use pennames. Secondly, the
        names shown up in the postings are not the registered names, but
        the names go with their e-mail accounts, I observed.)
        I have noticed that one has to put at least two words (FirstName,
        LastName) in the name field. (That's the reason I told Mondanna
        that she can't join us.) Is this really necessary?
Go isn't everything.  Go is the only thing.           -- zhuge