1. The VM FILELIST allowed me to create FACs.  Is there a way to do this
   on the 1.8c Unix version?
*+ JIM= [log in to unmask] /* Jim Gerland 1 */
*+ JIM= [log in to unmask] /* Jim Gerland 2 */
*                                       rec             last - change
* filename      filetype        GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs date     time
* --------      --------        --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- --------
  LISTNAME      FAREWELL        ALL JIM V      70    15 96/10/24 10:46:06
The only way I can see is to have *all* the possible maintainers listed
like this:
listname.farewell /ssa/listserv/notebooks/listname.farewell ALL [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask],OWNER(LISTNAME)
This can get fairly long and unweidly.  Not to mention that it will be
impossible to manage this file via email because of the 80 character wrap
of many mailers.
Thanks for the advice.