On Fri, 25 Oct 1996 08:18:40 -0500 John Cottingham said:
>The database functionality loved and hated in 1.7 is again live and well but
>with a kinder and gentler face....Now if a site with 100s of logfiles in a
>list would put this up for testing....then it could be determined....if a
>particular box had any cpu time left over to do other things.
  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/access-l.html   (148 notelogs)
  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/visbas-l.html   (160 notelogs)
  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/win95-l.html    (89 <big> notelogs)
May or may not be a fair test--the box has 192MB with a P133 and 2GB of
fast disk.  But it's also handling all the INTERBIT traffic (1,664,485
daily deliveries) and has a BIND server on it that chews a lot of processor