> I have always edited my headers on the VM machine running listserv 1.8b.
>  Due to our changing e-mail system, I must now be able to do it from MS
> Exchange.  I seem to be able to add and delete users just fine and I can
> even get the header ok but when I try to put it back I get a variety of
> errors.  See header and errors below for examples.
This is a real crock in the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector.
I don't remember the exact name of the parameter, but its purpose is
to put a > in front of lines of text that are quoted in a reply or are
forwarded.  The problem is that Exchange does not show you the > as you
are composing the message.  Instead it shows the quoted text in a
different color.  It's very awkward to get it not to quote.  Try
cutting and pasting the list header.  But we even had problems with
sending an OK back in response to a LISTSERV confirmation request.
Some ways of deleting the original text of the message left the flag
there that causes the IMC to put in the >. The best thing is to get
your Exchange administrator to disable the > prefixing in the Exchange