I'm looking to start a listserv group for a sort of literary discussion group.
The group consists of collectors of poetry, stories, quotations, lyrics and
the like and would be intended as a forum to allow the members to exchange
information, experiences, reading list, short quotations and original
writings.  If you would be interested in hosting (or joining!) the list,
or know someone who would, please contact me.
Thanks in advance,
     *     -------------------------------------------------------------------
   *   *   |  -Terry M. Auspitz, [log in to unmask], http://www.lehigh.edu/~tma2/
  *  O  *  |
  \_/|\_/  |  I was walkin' to the kitchen for some Golden Grahams
     |     |  when I accidentally stepped into an alternate dimension
    / \    |  and soon I was abducted by some aliens from space
   |   |   |  who kinda looked like Jamie Farr