There are 1100 subscribers to my mailing list. Ninety-nine of them
come from countries whose code is ??? (ie, not known). Would it be
possible for me to find out the unknown countries without contacting each
Also, is there any way for me to get a list of country email suffixes without going through
the "review <list> by country" process every time I want to find out
where a subscriber is from?
Thank you.
.                  _...._
                  /       \
                 /  o _ o
                 (    \/  )       Sincerely,
                )          (       Michael Harmon
              (    -  -  -  )      [log in to unmask]
              (             )         Parrot Consulting
               (            )         & Software
                [          ]          New York City
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                 (        )
                  ( __ _)