On Wed, 18 Dec 1996 21:12:58 -0500 you said:
>[spam mercifully nuked]
>Does anyone know if it's possible to configure a list (like this one)
>to ignore stuff from Usenet-to-mail gateways?  That's two spams in a week,
>both via the same gateway (as far as I can tell).
   Sure, semi-moderation.   I've posted to  this list and  others asking
that it  be done,  but no  one listens.  Until  someone does,  this will
   It's  sad that  the  most  important Listserv  lists  on  the net  go
unprotected.    You  would   think   at  least   WE   could  deal   with
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**  Geert K. Marien : [log in to unmask]  (Bitnet: GKMQC@PUCC)  **
**        ListOwner: AIRLINE, RAILROAD, STAMPS, The INDIA List        **
**    (All contents are my own opinions - unless otherwise stated)    **
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