Earlier today, Pete Weiss wrote:
>I thought that LSTOWN-Lers would be interested in seeing
>all of the headers of this SPAM.  In particular please
>note the X-URL in the header.
>  - - The original note follows - -
[much deleted]
>X-URL: http://www.tile.net/tile/listserv/finaidl.html
        Why am I not surprised?  Tile Net is the same sleazeball site
that refused to remove Marion Gunn's lists from their listing when asked.
I guess they want to be sure that ALL lists can be reached by spammers
from their site.  Sigh.
        Joan Korenman
*    Joan Korenman                [log in to unmask]                         *
*    U. of Md. Baltimore County                                             *
*    Baltimore, MD 21250          http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/                 *
*                                                                           *
*    The only person to have everything done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe  *