I am running a newsletter mailing list in Japan.
One of my subscribers mailed me that he couldn't get any response
when he issued INDEX or REVIEW commands.
But he could get response with INFO command.
My assumption is that when he issues commands which returns "FILE",
he cannot get response.
Have you ever experienced ?
He is first guy who cannot get response.
His pop server setting is wrong ?
* Owner= [log in to unmask]
* Subscription= Open
* Review= Owners
* Notebook= Yes,E:\FTP\LISTS\FIRSTNEWS,Weekly,Public
* Digest= No
* Send= Editor,Confirm
* Editor= [log in to unmask]
* Reply-to= Sender
* Confidential= No
* Errors-to= [log in to unmask]
* Validate= No
* Translate= No
Thank you for your help.
Takashi Hakii - FIRST NEWS newsmaster -
*** FIRST NEWS is FREE weekly URL newsletter.***
[log in to unmask]