My Daily Error Monitoring Report reports the following user as being an
"unknown" user on his own system, and has since November 11.  I have
checked with his local postmaster, and learned that he is not longer a
user.  I have unsubscribed him manually from the list, and a query tells
me that he is not subscribed.  Yet I keep getting this entry every day.
It's a annoyance more than anything else, but I'm curious why this
should be so, and how I can flush the file that tracks this sort of
> The following 8 subscribers are currently being monitored:
> Err First Last  Address
> --- ----- ----- -------
> 558 11/11 12/07 [log in to unmask]
>                 Last error: Mailer said: "550 Unknown local
>                             user 'jsph100'"
Dr. W. Schipper                     Email: [log in to unmask]
Department of English,              Tel: 709-737-4406
Memorial University                 Fax: 709-737-4528
St John's, Nfld. A1C 5S7