I went through this 6 weeks ago with BLUES-L. I notice a cut down in
bounces from 2000 to around 500 a day. That lasted for about a week
then: RELIEF!:Below the 100 bounces mark a day ... BLUES-L is 1400 subs
with half of it set to NOMAIL and averages 50-70 msg a day ...
Note that you may receive bounces for mail sent 5, 10, 30 and I even saw
90 et 120 days ! Since they want prior the "mailer agent" (correct
term?) holding them will decide how long it retries before notifying the
errors-to ... It's not on LISTSERV "desk" anymore ...
And now for my own education about auto-deletion ....
But overtime never received an Auto-Delete report... I believe it's the
expected behavior of delay(0), am I right ?
Also: Am I correct in assuming that delay(0),Max(5) will auto-delete
"immediately" on the 5th consecutive bounce if the "mail agent" is Lmail
compatible ?
And finally I tought that "full-auto" meant to LISTSERV "act on messages
it can understand : Not such User/Host/Domain" and "drop them if it
can't make anything of it (non-compatible/transient)" ... Is it normal I
still receive bounces from a system like LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU (which I
assume is formatting LISTSERV compatible error messages) ?
Thanks to anyone sharing their wisdom and experience on these ...
Eric Paul-Hus , BLUES-L