The toggle in question is

 SET listname DIGEST
 SET listname NODIGEST

The "SET listname MAIL" and "SET listname NOMAIL" commands simply determine
whether or not mail (either a digest, index, or individual postings) is
sent.  If a DIGEST mode user sets NOMAIL while on vacation, then comes
back and sets MAIL, he resumes getting the digest, not individual postings.

This has been the behaviour since the release of 1.8b.  Here's the quote
from the 1.8b list owner's release notes (which should more or less be
what is in the list owner's and general user's manuals today):

* Usability: Change in MAIL, DIGEST and INDEX options *

Originally, the  MAIL, DIGEST, INDEX  and NOMAIL options  corresponded to
the four  possible settings of a  single option. That is,  switching from
DIGEST to NOMAIL would stop the delivery of new digests, as expected, but
would also make LISTSERV forget that the subscription should be in digest
mode. A subsequent  switch to MAIL would restore delivery,  but in normal
(non-digest) mode. This was confusing to novice users.

In  version  1.8b,   the  MAIL/NOMAIL  option  has   been  isolated  from
DIGEST/INDEX. The MAIL/NOMAIL option  controls whether messages should be
delivered,  and  the  DIGEST/INDEX/NODIGEST/NOINDEX option  controls  the
format in which  messages should be delivered. Thus,  switching to NOMAIL
and back to MAIL now  preserves the digest/index/normal delivery setting.
To provide  as much compatibility  with the  old syntax as  possible, the
four options now operate as follows:

- DIGEST: enable digest delivery mode  (which negates INDEX), enable mail
  delivery. No change from version 1.8a.

- INDEX: enable index  delivery mode (which negates  DIGEST), enable mail
  delivery. No change from version 1.8a.

- NOMAIL: disable mail delivery. No change from version 1.8a.

- MAIL: restore  mail delivery, without altering  the digest/index/normal
  delivery setting (new behaviour). For  compatibility with 1.8a, if mail
  delivery  was already  active,  the MAIL  option negates  INDEX/DIGEST.
  Thus, a user going from NOMAIL  to MAIL will keep his previous delivery
  options, whereas a user going from DIGEST or INDEX to MAIL will in fact
  deactivate index/digest mode.

To revert from digest/index subscription mode to normal delivery, you can
use either the MAIL option as before, or the NODIGEST/NOINDEX option. The
NODIGEST and NOINDEX  options were actually present in  versions 1.7f and
1.8a, as  synonyms for the  MAIL option. In  other words, you  can update
your instructions to  indicate that the DIGEST/INDEX  options are negated
by the NODIGEST/NOINDEX  options, even if your server is  not yet running
version 1.8b.