On Thu, 27 Mar 1997 02:39:52 -0500 Russ <[log in to unmask]> said:

>1. I can  put www_header/trailer/index stuff into  three separate files.
>Default.mailtpl, www_archive.mailtpl, and listname.mailtpl. I'm assuming
>it makes the most sense to put  site stuff in www_archive, list stuff in
>listname, and take all the web stuff out of default??

You never modify default.mailtpl as it is replaced every time you install
a  new  version  or  even  a new  build.  List  customization  goes  into
listname.mailtpl, however for the WWW  interface there was the issue that
some  menus (like  the home  page) are  not associated  with any  list in
particular, and yet you should not be tampering with default.mailtpl. So,
these go into www_archive.mailtpl.

>2. Can someone  give me a "real"  explanation of what .DD  &DD does? The
>manual simply says that a .DD must be followed by a .DDname, but I can't
>find anything more about what it actually is for.

It means the routine calling the  template processor has prepared a block
of  long, multiline  info  that needs  to be  inserted  somewhere in  the
template (well, you don't have to, but you may be sorry if you don't).

>My first list is a public list but the second is intended to be private.

WWW  archiving for  private lists  is one  of the  new features  of 1.8d.
You'll  be  able  to  hide  private   lists  from  the  home  page  using
"Confidential= Yes".  You can't serve  private lists in 1.8c  because all
access is through  the CGI script, which  is the same for  all lists. So,
1.8c never creates pages for lists with private archives.
