Hi all..

I am using the unlimited version of Listserv and have since January.  I
have a dozen lists running on it and I'm finding a very serious problem
that is puzzling (at least to me).

Here's the problem:

About once a month every large list on the system gets every posting
it's ever had sent out again.  For example, I have one list with 250
subscribers and this afternoon each one got every message that's ever
been posted to the list all in one big dump of messages.  This has
happened to this list since January and each month since and of course
the mail it dumps keeps getting bigger and bigger since it sends again
from day one!!!

These folks have started including dates and times in the body of their
messages - how embarassing!!

I also found that a few other lists I have done the same
thing....however the small ones don't seem to do it.

I'm wondering if it has anything to do with mail that bounces and it's
trying to make sure everyone gets it all....strange, but that's all I
can come up with.

Please....if anyone has seen this problem or has a clue what to look for

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Dave Kelley
City of Tempe