Hello there.  My name is Glenn Alperin.  I am a 19 year old male student
at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey.

I am looking to start a list where people with a rare medical condition
called prosopagnosia can talk with each other and maintain e-mail address

Prosopagnosia is a medical condition whereby the person is unable to
recognise the faces of other people.  If you want some information about
my experience with living with prosopagnosia, please check out my web page
at http://daniel.drew.edu/~galperin/prosopagnosia.html

To this point in time, I have found 13 other people on the internet who
also have prosopagnosia.  We have been communicating through regular e-mail
and attaching multiple addresses as the recipient for the message.  This has
been fine in the past, but a recent discussion we have had has made it clear
to me that something more is neccesary.  Some people in our group are
concerned with the fact that their e-mail address will be readily available to
future people to join our group.  While this has been the norm in the past
(our group was begun sometime around September of this year.  I do not
know for sure as I was really the third person to join, although I have
taken over the organising of information for the group) it has been made known
to me that this wil not work in the future.  We have been discussing how
it might be possible to maintain e-mail address anonimity, so it was a
natural to think about starting a list.

The discussion outline for our group as it is currently structured, and
how it would be structured as a future list discussion, can be found at

If such a list were to be realised, it would be neccesary that I be the
list owner so I could modify the recipients of the list as neccesary,
either to add or delete e-mail addresses.  Also, we have agreed that
should this list be created, it must NOT be published in any list of lists
located on usenet or the world wide web.  All people wishing to join this
list must first find my web pages which I have registered with the
largest search engines on the web, and then contact me via e-mail so
that I can determine the legitimacy of their desire to join.  At the
moment, it has been decided that the only people who will be accepted into
our group, and thus into this list, must also have prosopagnosia.
Therefore, the list is not expected to grow to a large size.

I hope that somebody will be willing to host our group.  Please contact me
by personal e-mail as I do not frequent this list.  I must give thanks to
Brian Edmonds from Gweep Systems who posted instructions on usenet as to how
to proceed to this step.

Glenn Alperin
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