>Also, unless your list has clear rules about being moderated (where the
>editor has the power/right to modify user messages without advance
>permission) you would be better advised to send the msg back to the
>original author with your concerns and let them make the changes.  In any
>case, it is probably a courteous practice to send a copy of the edited msg
>to the author.

 Not to mention the possibly legal action you may be exposing yourself
 to by editing someone else posting without their permission.  This is
 much more of an issue today here in the USA than it was a few years
 ago.  I suggest you run it by your legal dept before you start
 massaging someone elses post.

 I run a couple of moderated lists and if a post doesn't measure up
 we just send it back.  We make no changes ourself.

  --Jim Cocks  Univ. of Louisville  <[log in to unmask]>