On Wed, 21 May 1997 10:48:17 -4000 you said:
>I just tested it out on my test server. I used your header, word for
>word, with the exception of putting my e-mail address and several of
>my other selves :-) as the owners. Then I subscribed to the list and
>added a bad address to the list. Then I sent a message to the list.
>The first address listed received the bounce from the bad address.

Thanks for the  insight you all provided  to me with regard to  this issue. I
am  the person  who  asked this  question.  My conclusion  is  that there  is
something wrong  with the way  the list owner's mail  is routed to  her local
e-mail address. I  can send her e-mail  just fine from my account  and I also
get the error messages from her list just fine when I make myself the primary
owner of the list. All I can conclude  is that maybe her network admin put in
some  kind of  filter  or  something that's  hiding  errors  from her.  She's
checking out this possibility now.

Stan Horwitz -- Help-Net co-owner
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