On Wed, 21 May 1997, BRIAN MC NAMARA wrote:

> my servers have been up and down in the past 2 weeks.  after major
> reconstruction things seem to be normal.  is there any way to contact all
> the users of our listserv via e-mail?  is there some sort of 'all'
> command?  we eventually would like to inform them of our troubles without
> having to contact each one by phone or otherwise.  thank you.

You can use the ALL-REQUEST alias. Thta's what I did when AOL refused all
mail coming from the ACOR server. If you run a Unix machine, you must first
create that alias in the aliases file and then of course restart sendmail.
The alias is of the same format as the listserv alias.

* Gilles Frydman
* The Kosher Frog