Lisa Rowe wrote:
> I saw in the archives a mention of a product called Adonis to automate subs
> and other list procedures from the web.  It looks pretty nifty, and I've
> been wanting to implement something similar myself.
> Has anyone used this, or another tool to automate subscriptions?
> One thing that I would think would be a stumbling block is that listserv
> subs you according to your authenticated address, does it not? How would
> something like this be circumvented?
> Thanks in advance for your ideas and thoughts.

In fact, you must use Adonis manually by completing the HTML
form. To automize it maliciously one would have to call the
Python script repeatedly, which should not be so much of a
problem. Ok, I can think of dynamically changing parameter
passing conventions or similar fancy things, well...

But why bother with Adonis, when you can easily write your
own shell script to call sendmail and add users to whatever
list on whatever server? Faking emails is easy, after all. To
be on the safe side one would have to validate each subscribe
operation, which puts the burden on the normal non-malicious
new list member.

BTW, Adonis now supports ListProc, MajorDomo and Lyris as
well (see

