At 11:29 5/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>If you want to change one of the default headers, such as Daily- Threshold,
>is it necessary to get the full (head or can you just do an add command?

This is NOT ListPROC ;-) you have to get all HEADERS and update/add/delete
the keywords and then store them back on the server.

>Once you add quiet owners as back-up help, and then alternate them to list
>owner during the primary listowner's absence, is it possible to delete the
>back-up owners in the future?  Does the administrator of host server have
>the ability to do that, or does the primary listowner maintain that
>ability?  In other words, is it possible to prevent an overthrow of the
>list "administration", or "theft" of a list if you will, or is that even an
>issue to be concerned about?  I tend to be a little over-protective.

Owners are defined by the OWNER= keyword.  Once you've given away the keys
to the cookie jar, then you have made the other owners equal to you.
Others here have successfully delegated and/or shared responsibilities.  It
seems to be do-able.

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