In message <[log in to unmask]>, Brad Knowles writes:
>     Get those SMTP MTAs to be compliant with RFC 1123 with regards
> to not adding source routes, and you won't have any problems.

Look guys, I hate spam as much as the next guy. But I still think the
solution you've come up with is unecessarily penalizing legitimate e-mail.

Based on perusing AOL's web page, I think that's what happening here is
quite simple:

You're using the same sendmail ruleset to filter BOTH RCPT TO: addresses
*and* MAIL FROM: addresses. To be perfectly blunt, This is laziness in
implementation on your part, and you shouldn't be quoting standards to
justify it (especially when the standards don't support your claim).

Filtering RCPT TO: is just fine (RFC1123 does say "A Sender-SMTP SHOULD NOT
send a RCPT TO: command containing an explicit source route using the "@...:"
address form." I support your move to *not* relay other people's e-mail for

Filtering MAIL FROM: is not mentioned anywhere in RFC 1123, AND IS BREAKING

This is my last word on the subject. After all, the only legitimate recourse
I have is to recommend that my correspondents switch to other, less
draconian, service providers, and I've already done that.

Harald Koch <[log in to unmask]>