Greetings from Germany everyone.

I would like to set up an Internet List (majordomo or listserv) and I am looking
for a kind soul who would play host.

This mailing list would be a discussion list for Perpetual Tourists.

Perpetual Tourists are freedom-seeking freedom-loving people who arrange their
lives so they avoid the influence of what they regard as the poisonous influence
of modern-day government by the use of privacy techniques and tools, tax havens,
mailing services and offshore banks.

Some are rich but many are PTs simply to opt out and make a point by dropping
out of bureaucratic sight. They arrange their lives so that they never stay too
long in one place to end up in the bureaucratic grinder/treadmill that shackles
many of us. Like any skill, it's difficult to master, and easy when you know
how. The purpose of the list is to allow PTs (sometimes also called Perpetual
Travellers/Travelers) to share knowledge, alerts on the march of Big Brother in
his relentless march towards what PTs regard as 'soft totalitarianism'

The ultimate goal of PTs is to share their knowledge so that everyone becomes
one too! -- thus freeing the world from the oppression of nosy bureaucrats,
snooping officials, blood-sucking tax men, the evil bigots who spend money on
weapons of war while a substantial majority have nowhere to sleep at night ...
etc etc etc.

Many PTs, though not all, are keen followers of the now disappeared Dr W.G. Hill
who pioneered the PT lifestyle and made it into the growing worldwide movement
it is today.

Yes it's a subject that really does encompasses Life the Universe and

In the spirit of the PT philosopy (and that's what it is) I propose that the
list be an unmoderated list.

In the spirit of PT I would be what PTs fondly refer to as Big Inn Keeper (what
they wish all governments were, rather than the Orwellian Big Brother that they
are becoming).

So I as list owner would retain the option to promote good will and
understanding on the list if things ever get out of hand.

Anyone who chose to host this list for me would be at the least ensured of some
very entertaining traffic.

Offers or comments and suggestions to me by E-MAIL please.

Thank you for your time.


P.S. I know how to use LISTSERVS and MAJORDOMOS.


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