On Fri, 23 May 1997, Nathan Brindle wrote:

> You can always make the aliases by using the Makefile stage:
>  'make list name=listname'

   "make list listname" is useful for new requests that are sporatic, but
not for migrating hundreds of lists.  I ended up using a script that
created the aliases from the output of the LIST command sent to Listserv
on VM and appended all of these to /etc/aliases.  Quick and fast.  I just
didn't count on people misunderstanding and sendng to the new listserv
server before lists were moved.  So, I will delete them and append each
alias before I ftp each list file.

Roger is sending me some scripts that they used.  Thank you.  And
thanks to LISTMAN, I've reduced my expectations considerably. ;-)

If anyone is doing this in the future for a large number of lists,
we have:

1. Program that will generate all of the aliases for /etc/aliases
   based on a file with listnames (from List command).

2. Program that will create all of the individual directories based
   on the same file of listnames.

3. Rexx exec on VM that will ftp all of the notebooks/archives on VM
   to their respective directories on unix.

4. First notice to all List Owners about the migration (this is probably
   the most time consuming to write and was inserted into a distribute
   job).  This file includes: Table of Contents; Notice of Migration
   (What you need to know, What you need to do), FAQ by Subscribers when
   a list moves, Summary. Obviously, it requires editing for your site.

If anyone thinks the above would help them I will put them on
http://post.queensu.ca/~listserv   (1-2 are in perl and 3 in rexx
written by my cohort, Andy Hooper).

Thanks again for your time and thoughts.

Trish Forrest
ITS - Queen's University
(613) 545-2014