[Ben Parker <[log in to unmask]>]
> ["Kieran O'Connor" <[log in to unmask]>]
> >Anyway--I'm wondering, is there a way to get the benefits of PROBE
> >and regular renewal?
> Yes.  In fact you can't have Probe without also having Renewal.  (With
> version 1.8c) The Probe occurs every XX days (not setable anywhere),
> the Renewal msg sitll goes out at the set interval.  The features
> complement, do not replace each other.

No, Kieran's right.  When Probe is on, regular "confirm your
subscription or you're outta here" don't go out.  This is in some cases
an advantage; in others a disadvantage.  The disadvantage is that all
the people who have set themselves to NOMAIL and then forgotten their
subscriptions are not pruned from the list.  On the other hand, with
this, they haven't *forgotten* their subscriptions, as they get probe
messages regularly.  I like to put a "here's how to unsubscribe"
paragraph into the probe message, therefore.

It *would* be nice to be able to have both Probe and Renew at the same
time (at different intervals)
